First Name
Last Name
Which of the following statements *best* describes your current relationship with your health?
I make it a priority, because when I do, everything else falls into place.
It varies depending on the level of demand from work, family and other obligations.
Honestly, it’s really not on my radar until an article of clothing tells me it should be.
I know what to do, but am not doing it. End of story.
Piggybacking on that question, tell us how you feel right now. In terms of your health, energy, mood, stress level, etc., give us the Cliff Notes, filter-free rundown on where you currently stand:
Moving on to your lifestyle, on average, how many hours a night do you sleep?
5-6 hours
7-8 hours
It’s so intermittent and of such poor quality, that I’m not sure it even counts
What about your nutrition? Which of the following *best* describes your eating patterns?
I’m aware of my choices and consistently aim to choose what I think is best.
I consider myself pretty balanced, but definitely turn to food during times of stress.
It’s a ping-pong game. I can be dialed in or flying by the seat of my pants.
When I eat and what I eat is largely dictated by my schedule and/or stress level.
In terms of moving your body, which of the following statements *best* describes your motivation to workout:
I don’t love what I see when I look in the mirror.
Aging is real and I want to age smarter.
Doing this makes me a better me.
It’s a have to or a should – not a want to.
What motivation?
Ok, now let’s talk about how you recharge your batteries. Describe what that looks like for you and tell us the last time it happened:
Big question: Do you feel supported?
Yes. There are people who check in with me regularly and whom I know I can depend on.
I consider this an inside job. I support myself.
Is it ok to admit I’m not sure I know what it feels like to be supported?
Kind of. If I’m being honest, not in the ways I actually need.
We asked you at the beginning how you currently feel. If you’d like to feel differently, how would you describe that? What does it look like? What elements of your life would be different? This is essentially a magic-wand type of question, so anything goes:
One last question! For our event, we will be providing you something to sip on. What's your preference?
Red wine
White wine
No preference
I personally will not partake