Stamford Travel Baseball
Whether your child is committed to winter sports or taking time off, this program delivers an impactful two phase curriculum for youth athletes to improve their performance and recovery within any competitive environment.
Placing an emphasis on mastering the basics, your child will gain early exposure to reactive speed and power drills as well as foundational endurance and progressive strength training methods geared towards the long term athletic development of growing bodies.
Commitment to both phases is highly encouraged and will only further the individual’s exposure to the training progressions laid out within the curriculum, but athletes participating in any single phase will reap the benefits of working under the expert guidance of The U Athletics.
*Be sure to select the correct AGE GROUP when registering.
If you are a first time client, please click below for instructions on how to set up your account.
Where: The U - 225 High Ridge Road (East Building)
Phase Two: There will be no workouts the week of April break (April 15th)
Each program and age group is limited to 15 athletes.
Meet Your Coaches
Carl Battinelli
Director of Training
Jordan Napolitano
Head Strength and Conditioning Specialist